Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The mystry called "FE"

Disclaimer : The owner of this blog bears no responsibility for this post here. The opinions expressed are the personal feeling of the author. ( Its just a coincidence that they are the same person).

This is a story of an above intelligence boy, studying in a "reputed" MBA college. He is considered among his friends a " studious" guy ( Although the truth is known only by him and God). He mostly gets good grades in the exams( thanks to the CGPA method).
Having passed the first year with good grades, he enters the second year with lot of hope, passion, anxiety and enthusiasm. He opts for finance, as it is considered to be more lucrative in terms of pay package. He has the dream of becoming the next big shot in the finance world. But alas, only if pigs could fly....

The first term of the second year is still not over and he has begun to doubt the wisdom of his decision. If the trailer is so dangerous, then how will that poor mortal survive the movie ?. Just to give you a glimpse of his miserable life, here is an account in his own words of one of his class :

"This is FE class, the Financial Elective class. The seniors have warned me not to take this course. Everyone said it is hard. But why will I listen to them ?. I am the Mr Know-it-all. Anyways, " ab liya hain to padho". So, first class goes without any major hiccups. ( Mainly because it was the revision of whatever we have studied last year). And then the real problem starts. Starting from the second class, I am a mute spectator in the class. Mute because I don't want to open my mouth and divulge my "lack of knowledge". And spectator because I just watch everyone contributing to the class discussion. I mean, the faculty is teaching the same thing to every one, Every one is listening the same thing. Then why is it that they can grasp, understand and respond and I cannot. Am I so dumb witted ?. If I can quote the dialogue of a movie, then " All the words are flying".

They say this subject is vital to finance. If it is so, then it explains why the finance guys are always worried. IT also explains the reason for high ratio of stress for finance guys that other department. Why was this subject created. Weren't they satisfied with integral calculus that they invented this elective ?. I just look from one face to other in the class. most are listening to the class or may be trying to do so. Ruefully, not many beautiful faces in the class to stare and spare my mind of the torture. How am I ever gonna pass this exam. I know this is against ethics and is a bad thing to do, but I sincerely hope that there are some more students like me or even "dumb" than me. That is the only way for me to pass this exam. May god provide strength to mine weak heart to fight this battle." Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Sad!!!!!

But OOPS no solution...
ab liya he to bhukto..

nyways jokes apart, I aks the author of this Blog to accept it as a challenge and come out with flying colors
my best wishes with him/her